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koji 發表於 2006-6-18 04:16 AM

平治 CLK GTR Roadster 毛病多多原廠拒維修

呢架  CLK GTR Roadster 問題多多,包括錶板燈會無故亮著、窗門開關


In a press release published today, it's being reported that Los Angeles-based Grand Prix Motors is suing DaimlerChrysler AG along with Mercedes-Benz USA, Mercedes-AMG GmbH and H.W.A. GmbH for allegedly failing to repair a 2002 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR Roadster.

According to the complaint, Mark and Ernest Johnston, co-owners of Grand Prix Motors, purchased the CLK GTR for $1.7 million in 2002 with the intention of re-selling the vehicle through their dealership.  The two claim, however, that immediately after leaving their dealership's lot for its first test drive in 2004, the CLK's oil light came on after traveling only 10 blocks, and since then the vehicle has not functioned properly.  In addition to a faulty transmission, a hydraulic jack system failure, and the roadster's windows coming unglued, the Johnson's allege that Mercedes' technicians, after examining the car on several occasions, determined the CLK suffered an oil-related engine failure, but were unwilling to make any repairs.  

Mark and Ernest's suit, which accuses DaimlerChrysler of breaching their contractual and warranty obligations to provide a defect-free car as well as alleges negligent misrepresentation and breach of the implied warranty of good faith and fair dealing, is seeking full reimbursement of the CLK's purchase price along with the other costs incurred as a result of attempts to repair it.

Good luck gentlemen.  Although I'm not familiar with the Mercedes CLK GTR roadster's warranty, I can assure you seeking a $2 million reimbursement for a car you were unable to sell over a 4 year period will be no easy feat, especially when the basis for your claims is a blown engine that supposedly occurrerd in "under 10 blocks."

TONYCHAN 發表於 2006-6-22 05:04 PM


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