TVB 世界妺
[size=6]身材好得下[/size]:msn09:[[i] 本帖最後由 衛蘭 於 2006-7-5 08:27 AM 編輯 [/i]] [size=8][color=Blue]end[/color][/size] 唔錯唔錯``后尾嗰個得D```白白滑滑``
[[i] 本帖最後由 QQQQkobe 於 2006-7-5 07:50 AM 編輯 [/i]] 肥奶淫娃 !!! 身材好得so what, but not goodlooking! She will be great after you turn the lights off. hehe 幾好啦 又唔係勁, 係到曬波??? 都算唔錯啦, 起碼好睇過d angel啦 有身材但個樣一般 真係幾好波,thx~ The girl with white skin is 身材好D 后尾嗰個得D 差d吸唔到氣呀.......