張敏 [10p]
[img]http://i1.tinypic.com/o86wkn.jpg[/img] 如果廿年前肯定好索呀 :$ :$ 多謝你,不過已貼過了。;P Thank you for sharing the photo:boy09: 以前无乜留意佢````但呢期佢好多相都好正`` 看過了@@ 看後覺得青春可貴這句話是真的 [quote]原帖由 [i]月巴仔[/i] 於 2006-11-29 11:26 PM 發表
如果廿年前肯定好索呀 :$ :$ [/quote]
even she was very attractive 10 years ago... 真慘.....老左真係無咁正 又是無腳~仲要post過添 good....big ball 還蠻美艷的 big brest 老人家:funk: 又死好多----- old dear time flies and she is getting old thanks for sharing thank
though there are old photo