【容祖兒】麥當勞shake shake薯條
[font=標楷體][size=6]大家覺得靚唔靚?[/size][/font][[i] 本帖最後由 ilovepkany 於 2007-12-23 12:13 AM 編輯 [/i]] 效果靚
但係我唔like joey
多謝哂~ 謝謝大大的分享^^ OK靚咋... it's ok. thanks! Joey not beautiful, but wallpaper OK 多謝分享。~~~~~~~~~ thanks 好唔掂wo~~本來冇咩感覺,而家就有d憎 ok ar~~不錯~~
佢唔叫靚~~BUT 吸引到人~^^~:loveliness: 靚到爆~ 多謝 完全係失敗之作 OK靚咋...:lol nth special.......thZ~~~ very nice, I like it!! 髮型麻麻地.... 靚唔靚 depends on the artist, Joey does not look beautiful, only the poster is good. she is really really really ugly, she looks like a monster. too much plastic surgery hong kong michael jackson 麻麻地啦
:funk: :funk: 都好動感喎!