:'( 都幾恐怖喎 有幾慘? 唔覺有mud慘啊!?:msn22: not pretty ar oh , what's that ??? :funk: 都冇o野睇,唔覺得有幾慘喎。:msn03: 有幾慘呀又唔冇着衫:boy11: 唔覺得慘喎 What? but thanks for sharing! 年少無知:L 慘咩姐 ==?? :@ [size=7][color=indigo]一定繼續支持[/color][/size],[size=7][color=red]衞蘭兩姊妺[/color][/size]:msn02:[size=7][color=pink]:$ [color=blue]I[/color] [color=red]LOVE[/color] [color=magenta]JANICE[/color][/color][/size] :victory: that's not really a big deal... 慘什么啊
说啊? We all have to be responsible for what we do or did. Other than the fact that these photos really go against the image they've been trying to building, they are really no big deal. By the way, I can't tell which is which. what's that ?
..:funk: 睇法問題je~~我反而覺得哥幾張相冇咩料到~~著小d仲好la~~hahahah......... No Big Deal !!!
I Still Support Them !!!!!!!:D d 相都冇乜大不了姐 !