yo yo (old 32 pics)
yo yo 真係ok舊,thx [quote]原帖由 [i]max321[/i] 於 2007-1-14 14:07 發表真係ok舊,thx [/quote]
重冇咩變:loveliness: thank you:boy09: Many thanks!!!:boy11: :boy11:
:boy09: look young at that time thx :boy09: :boy09: thank you 以前好清純:boy11: 清纯可爱... 佢做微軟代言嘅時候已經好多fans,當時真係幾清純... 我覺得佢喺 突圍行動 度個角色唔係咁討好啫!:L 還可以
多謝你的分享。 樣靚身才正 ok既~ma ma地 多謝分享:boy11: Thanks for sharing, but now she is too old :boy11: 清纯可愛..........以前索好多:victory: wow! way back when office xp was the new thing, and yoyo chan was actually fresh. no, i agree she hasn't changed - and is now boring as ever. just bigger eyebag.
just cute. ever was pretty.
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多謝! good 呀