全智贤 - 美丽陶红 and others [19p]
全智贤 - 美丽陶红 and others 全智賢:msn03: 得兩張:L the post topic not totally match with what it posted. 全小姐去了那 ???? 很少图 !!! sorry,i cant read chinese so i use google translatormaybe thats why 唔錯唔錯..... 好正 蔡少芬都有..:L 圖貼得雜了一點,欠缺主題... :( 雜圖.........真係好雜 好多位明星喎~ [quote]原帖由 [i]amigoamigo80[/i] 於 2007-1-14 03:57 PM 發表
全小姐去了那 ???? 很少图 !!! [/quote]
喺最後嗰兩張度。;P 一堆雜圖........ 謝謝大大的分享 謝謝 good That korean woman cannot act to save her life. Her only attribute is her youthfulness, which is already starting to fade. Ada's nice, by comparison.
And why do they take pictures of "beautiful" women and then photoshop them to death? Don't they think they're beautiful enough? Looks awful.
回復 #1 zyudong 的帖子
What???全智賢???Only TWO!!!
Anyway Thanks!!! 得兩幅係全智賢?!個標題有d問題喎 原来是杂贴,还有不认识的 ok la :(