JOEY YUNG [33p] 輯相好正woo!!!多謝晒分享!!! 佢d牙真係好醜 not my typeI don't like joey 多謝你呀 ! 但 post 過啦 !!! ;P thank you啊:boy11: 多謝分享:boy11: 謝謝大大的分享 Credit should go to the makeup guys. If you've seen her in real life, without or with little makeup, you would NEVER say she's pretty again.
[[i] 本帖最後由 monks 於 2007-1-15 12:10 AM 編輯 [/i]] seen before
still thanks ah thx :boy09:
回復 #1 陳鵬暉 的帖子
多謝! 好少睇佢d圖.so 無回應 seen before. thanks! She have too many negative voice recently 傻大姐一名 好多肉呀...thx:lol good job頁: