香港啟德機場 一些美麗 9P
我們可以藉由一些照片來強化對啟德機場的認知,及為我們帶來一些美麗的回憶片段。 thank i like it
post more 嘩 ! 大吉利事 ... 炒機 ! [quote]原帖由 [i]衛蘭[/i] 於 2007-1-27 11:57 AM 發表
嘩 ! 大吉利事 ... 炒機 ! [/quote]
That was 31st August, 1988. Kai Tak was a mess that day. A friend of mine was to fly to the US that day to start university. It was the first time she travelled on her own. She was delayed for half a day and then diverted to Tokyo. She arrived at the school 2 days late.
6 people died in that crash. 多謝你嘅分享! China Airline ............... still remember how danger it is 墮海抑或水機? thx for sharing [quote]原帖由 [i]fck1955[/i] 於 2007-6-29 10:44 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
墮海抑或水機? [/quote]
華航次係晌啟德跑道尾墮海。 我細細個都成日黎呢度睇飛機 6同7個引擎都好似拖地甘滯.... 多謝你嘅分享!:boy09: