當年的經典廣告牌:loveliness:[[i] 本帖最後由 心甜公子 於 2007-2-5 08:26 PM 編輯 [/i]] It's funny to see how exposed armpit hair was totally accepted socially way back then. Bare legs in the following picture, and then one with ladies in see through dresses surrounding a monk/nun with a mysterious smile. Must have been extremely risque back in those days. [quote]原帖由 [i]monks[/i] 於 2007-2-7 03:47 AM 發表
It's funny to see how exposed armpit hair was totally accepted socially way back then. Bare legs in the following picture, and then one with ladies in see through dresses surrounding a monk/nun with a ... [/quote]
喺中文論壇度打咁大篇英文?咁深我唔識睇喎!:L [quote]原帖由 [i]魚頭[/i] 於 2007-2-12 12:43 PM 發表
個陣d人似乎係唔多留意呢樣野, 唔似得現在咁 [/quote]
雖然嗰張只係廣告相,但亦可見得當時啲人唔會覺得露腋毛有乜特別。唔似得而家啲八卦雜誌,仲要打晒格仔驚死你唔睇... wa...好經典呀