佘詩曼 廣州上下九廣場 (5P)
:P 無腳睇= = 都ok啦~ really not bad..good work 真係唔係好明個標題講乜?:msn03: ok啦:( she looks really happy in the 2nd pic. thanks! anymore ? thk^^sharing good photo she's alright...... 幾靚呀thx 影到佢好靚 thx:$ [quote]原帖由 [i]域奇[/i] 於 2007-2-6 07:46 PM 發表
真係唔係好明個標題講乜?:msn03: [/quote]
上下九is the name of a place in Kwang Chau. It's a shopping mall. [quote]原帖由 [i]豪門一人[/i] 於 2007-2-6 06:06 PM 發表
無腳睇= = [/quote]
i also want to see her legs. 無腳睇= = 亞蛇真漂亮:boy09: 靚女正!!!Any More!!!Thanks!!!! 用DC影算OK:lol