熊黛林、Amanda及陳嘉容出席宣傳活動 [12p]
[[i] 本帖最後由 fsb800 於 2007-2-14 01:48 PM 編輯 [/i]] 唔錯!! 多謝分享!!! 如果圖片清晰點就完美了。 pretty model ; pretty car... 有大图就更好了。 有大图就好咯。多谢分享 太細張啦~
都多謝哂先~ nice pic thanks 有大圖就好啦:boy09: 细左D啊D图。。。 多謝分享!!!:lol amanda shld wear something that shows off her figure. so sexy. thank for sharing 最靚係amanda s
thx~ 熊黛林好正,but d圖細左d pictures too small and not clear... but the models are great