微波 2 號 - BoBo Chan (36P)
[free]enjoy!!![img]http://pic.3talks.com/month_0702/20070226_b6adae0c4a7aae00b536lBlcN0y1bsFb.jpeg[/img][/free] photos preview! 攪錯,睇x呀???回水!!:@ 睇唔到呀!!!回水....:@ sorry,add 15 pics!!!
[[i] 本帖最後由 fsb800 於 2007-2-26 02:41 AM 編輯 [/i]] 微波一族一穿緊身衫,就好多幻覺..個個好大波咁 點解咁多人鍾意玩火嘅?:L she was disappeared 不大不小刚刚好!!!我喜欢!!!:boy11: :boy11: :boy11: 呢啲啱哂我 正牌く微波爐>! 都有小小吖,夠使咪算囉;P not really on the liking side of her but thanks for the pics. 個樣唔錯吖,幾靚女,我喜歡的類型. 都唔係好微著,都有返d!!
同埋靚女補返數啦!! i really prefer liitle balls to the bigger ones!! The title of the post is not so nice, but BoBo's picture is always welcome.thanks 第一張都幾攪鬼....haha:lol 寶寶陳 is good 佢有時算大