燕尾服 (5P)
岩岩搵番呢輯相....掌門人的一集.. 好正~_~:loveliness: :loveliness:
[color=red]fsb800: 如要求相請另開新帖[/color]
[[i] 本帖最後由 fsb800 於 2007-3-14 04:43 AM 編輯 [/i]] Y 字下体型 BIkini 最棒 ! 正就正喇,可惜個標題又爭咁啲野啫。;P 好清好正喎, 以前應該有人貼過呢輯相, 不過好似係SO 個焦點唔係燕尾服 看圖的質素應該係WS相..不過俾人刪左個LOGO
而且我記得成輯有好多,希望有人貼晒出來重溫 楊思琦好鬼正呀 that's really sexy thanks So good, thanks for sharing! :lol 比上不足, 比下有餘 唔知有冇人有呢輯呢-.-
最衰之前冇save la..... 真慘!!! 楊思琪很靚呀,讚,:lol 彩云最正 & 靚 very thx:loveliness: 好彩有 click 入來咋 !
好多年前的思琦呀 !!!! 好鬼索 ! 思琪對脚原來都好靚:boy11: Why did they change from the bikini briefs in the first 2 pictures into the volley ball shorts(?) in the third? Looks so stupid in the shorts. 咁靚!頂唔順啦~~ :P 正呀, 3個都係正野 they look really hot with that outfit, what show is that?