蔣怡 與 林嘉綺 首度同台競 (12P)
[img]http://news.beautyleg.com/images/2007/0074-12.jpg[/img] 兩位都是model 長人.. 1st absolutely love 蔣怡's skin tone! so sexy! thanks 林嘉漪比蒋靓好多。。。 I like dark chocolate more than white one. 她们的腿好美啊! 其他人都不錯:boy09: 唔净只佢地两个正```其他有几个都唔差呀`` 超短裙show 美腿我最喜欢 !!! 蔣怡正D! 兩個都好漂亮 第7,8 張黑衫那位是誰? 很美唷 個個model都咁鬼正~~ Who are the other girls? d 美腿好誘人呀 jiang yi certainly stands out with her tan. thanks! 佢地唔好勇斗恨``我地有边有甘多嘢睇呀``;P