楊丞琳 (4P)
[img]http://news.beautyleg.com/images/2007/0081-04.jpg[/img] wow, never seen rainie like this
but she is not suitable for this style, not sexy at all.
notice how she has a little stomach too:L 越來越性感了:boy11: 好丰满好棒的身段 !!!!!!!!!!! 楼主应多帖呀 !!! 可愛教主好可愛啊!!靚:boy11: 她的腰也很美,线条够棒! 佢越黎越sexy wo,但好似冇咁可愛 越sexy就越好:boy09: 再度發育@@?
真係勁左 great, these are larger versions of those in another post 胸部蠻有料的 好姣喎 thanks:boy11: 可愛的樣子
好吸引:boy11: seems to be moving from her cute image. 佢開始變得成熟了...身材都幾掂:boy11: 不走可愛路線嗎? :lol 我覺得怪怪地
[[i] 本帖最後由 MONKAM 於 2007-4-14 06:45 AM 編輯 [/i]] 可愛教主 ......her smile is nice :loveliness: