3Talks 港人自講討論區's Archiver

幻影 發表於 2007-4-14 01:35 PM


[size=12px][size=12px]自從電力進入千家萬戶,就一直有一個問題困擾著全世界,那就是--想要觸電致死太難了。感謝夢想公司ArtLebedev推出極具創新的產品Vilcus手指插頭,最終解決了這個惱人的問題。只要把你的手指伸進Vilkus適配器,然後再把Vilkus插進市電插座,你就可以安心的告別這個世界啦。此外,插頭也有歐版美版之分,這樣無論是在國內還是國外,都能方便的享受該產品帶來的便利。配合Rozetkus或是電源分離器,還能和好友與家人一同分享上天的快感XD !





monks 發表於 2007-4-23 06:18 PM

It's not very efficient. The current will go through the shortest distance, i.e. from one finger to the other. You'll burn your fingers very badly, but it will take a long time to kill you. To make it work, just use one of the holes so that the current goes through your body, frying your heart and liver and kidney and then to ground.

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