Cameron Diaz - long sexy legs~ [22p]
soooooooooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong 身材幾好不過件衫唔係好靚:msn06: 遠看還可以,近看真的老了好多。 謝謝鬼妹大圖:boy11: 佢老啦........:L 样子老了许多... 情迷索瑪莉時最正! 好........老呀:msn02: 佢老得實在太快了,唔襟睇。 又老又殘啦:L very smooth very nicethx for sharing:msn06: 只剩下長腿了~~:L Let me tell a little background from her. She was a model before she became a actress. She is the most appear actress on the top ranking of the ' The most beautiful woman' & ' The most beautiful legs' in most of the vote from a lot of magazines. western people think she is too slim, but to me she is just perfect. Her legs can catch my eyes and my soul for 100 years. Thank you for your posting. :boy11: :boy11: :boy11: 沒胸的確應該多露點多腿來補!:P :boy11: 乜真係老咗咁多架!:funk: She's getting old.... those legs are PERFECT 鬼娑真係容易殘...... 年华老去,可惜!!:'(