火紅女郎 Amanda S (49p)
Amanda S火紅女郎 Amanda S
:loveliness: amanda S 個樣幾可愛, 我幾鍾意佢 Slim. I like her !Thanks. amanda好漂亮阿 好似見到鐘希文~thx好圖~ yes , very red , on fire Beautiful legs 好靚啊,成個人都好掂。
唔知係咪自己數錯,得48p。 多謝分享
-0- Amanda S really good I love her a lot. Not her looking or her body. Is her personalilty, She respect chinese culture. You know every ABC or mixed they always speak English in the interview and they don't know they are in Hong Kong and Hong Kong is a chinese sociality. Amanda is the one who doesn't know chinese much, but who try her best to speak chinese in every interview. Amanda keep it up. I support you:boy09: :boy09: :boy09: :msn06: 成個人都好掂。 點解可以咁正斗 一流美腿,不过瘦咗好多 火紅照深溝:lol 本身已經好性感!!如果上圍再勁小小就冇得頂la!! thx!! good quality pics, thanks! 骨感, 但很有型格 beautiful legs thx