8 個索女你選邊個做女朋友?[8P]
選好找我來介紹你認識^^ 只是八张照片,哪有八个美女 第三個係唔係 Yumi ? 我選 Yumi~ just 靠呢8張~~~都好難choose~~~~:msn10: a6:victory: a6! sure is A6 mandy^^ 我要mandy I think just 5 girls only, some of the photo is the same person! :loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: good:loveliness: :loveliness: :loveliness: 不如問下邊個肯揀我 mandy 真係介紹到先好... ;P [quote]原帖由 [i]vwfl[/i] 於 2007-12-26 05:05 PM 發表 [url=http://www.3talks.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=656679&ptid=74708][img]http://www.3talks.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]真係介紹到先好... ;P [/quote]果然呃唔到超版;P I choose mandy too! number 5 and 7:msn09: sorry!冇個:L all of them. it is too hard to make the decision