補習班人氣老師 7p
真係有就好了:$ 好鬼獲氣喎佢個樣﹗=.=" [quote]原帖由 [i]小.[/i] 於 2007-12-27 07:27 PM 發表 [url=http://www.3talks.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=657158&ptid=74865][img]http://www.3talks.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]好鬼獲氣喎佢個樣﹗=.=" [/quote]
係咩?唔多覺喎~;P ok啵 搵佢補習就個個男生都唔合格啦...唔留班邊有機會呢? 棚牙好白、眼仔好大 What big eyebags she has! She must be very active in bed. very beautiful...which school ar? ok啦!!感謝了!! 不如調轉我幫佢補習啦... ;P mama地ja我覺得 I don't believe she is a tutor. 都OK呀,要满足啦!:lol thanks for the pic. :msn09: ..我也要補習 she is not bad
thanks for sharing