李亞男 徐淑敏 - 泳衣show(from報章) (24p)
[i]李亞男 徐淑敏 - 泳衣show(from報章)[/i][[i] 本帖最後由 321mnbvcxz 於 2008-4-23 12:36 PM 編輯 [/i]] so beauty suki!! 有李亞男 徐淑敏兩位美女,一定要推推支持的啦!:msn09: 不錯..不錯,強烈支持,實在是太喜歡了:sexy_girl :too_sad:'( 兩個身材樣貌都好正~~~~~~~~:msn09: :msn09: too bad the picture too small, hopefully got big size one
thanks 李亞男 好索呀~~:boy11: very sexy girls ~ thx ! 两个都好正``so sexy:msn09: they both really beautiful Both also sexy!! 李亞男好波:msn09: 多謝分享:boy11: thx:boy09: :boy09: both of them are hot.. :msn09: 李亞男 middle and lower body so fat. Her face is so slim and I thought she was tall. Her waist is fat and legs are chunky, but her tits and face :msn06: her legs are a bit fat 兩位美女、各有各的艷色、李亞男夠健美、徐淑敏夠嬌!:loveliness: suki is best! 呀....冇大相呀?? thx for sharing ,good photo,