極點 薛凱琪 失守 " 飛 彈曝光" (100%真實奉送)
薛 凱 琪 唔 介 意 : 「 係 想 突 出 件 衫 [img]http://next.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/FAB8.gif[/img] 效 果 , 係 人 都 知 我 冇 乜 [img]http://next.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/FAC5.gif[/img] 睇 [img]http://next.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/FAB9.gif[/img] 啦 ! 」 係 [img]http://next.atnext.com/new_hkfont/16px/black/C56F.gif[/img] ! 明 知 冇 , 就 咪 著 啦 ! 件衫好怪 :L "失手"?最尾嗰張就真喺....簡直"離哂罩":P 曝光???唔明?
回復 #5 hkw 的帖子
曝光???唔明?曝光=露光,走光=露胸肌:msn06: 真系飞弹啊~~~ 點曝光...根本咩都睇唔到...就算佢想曝都冇野可以曝啦 :L "離哂罩"~~:L :L I hate her, so ugly and fake. 細到離晒罩,都唔合比例:msn07: haha 好 似 有 d 離罩 Her dress is so strange.... [quote]原帖由 [i]lllactosell[/i] 於 2008-5-15 04:24 AM 發表 [url=http://www.3talks.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=711874&ptid=82524][img]http://www.3talks.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
I hate her, so ugly and fake. [/quote]
100%agree with you!!:lol [quote]原帖由 [i]arion1216[/i] 於 2008-5-14 05:10 PM 發表 [url=http://www.3talks.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=711734&ptid=82524][img]http://www.3talks.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
曝光=露光,走光=露胸肌:msn06: [/quote]
我唔明係因為見唔倒[color=black]飛彈:lol [/color] Thx:msn10: :msn10: :msn10: :msn10: :msn10: :msn10: :msn10: 俾你呃咗入來添!:L :L .....好怪哦 ugly ugly ugly:funk: :funk: :funk: nothing much to see
thanks anyway quite good la