
FruityLoops Studio 8.0.2

FruityLoops Studio 8.0.2

【軟體名稱】:FruityLoops Studio 8.0.2
【檔案大小】:97.5 MB
FL Studio 讓你的電腦就像是全功能的錄音室,漂亮的大混音盤,先進的創作工具,讓你的音樂突破想像力的限制。它提供了廣闊的音樂創作空間。支持MIDI功能讓你有機會發揮自己的音樂天賦。有了FL Studio,你可以隨意在遊戲中添加任何數字音效,如振動聲,破裂聲,或者撲通聲。

FL Studio是全功能的音序器,適合於那些製作歌曲和Drum Loops的人,包括32位內置混響和高級MIDI支持。生成的歌曲和Loop可以導出為WAV、MP3文件,並且產生的MIDI可以導出為標準的MIDI文件。

FL Studio是基於模式的音序器,這意味著你能一片一片地製作你的歌曲,並且最後把它們連接起來或任意混合各個軌道生成你想要的歌曲。


FL Studio軟件會讓你夢想成真,它在4.0版本之前的原名是FruityLoops,當時大家都親切的稱其「水果」。如今改名FL Studio出現在大家面前。

FruityLoops Studio 8.0.2 Bugfixes:
Fixed rare crash when loading new project while playlist is visible.

Added preview to Edison & Slicex tools.
Added knob for note release in step sequencer & piano roll randomizer tool.
Implemented new audio clipboard format to counter Windows'es inability to handle long bits of audio.

Fixed vst rendering if a plugin reports zero programs
Fixed window resize (window kept getting bigger)
Fixed memory leak when loading external banks
Create Temp folder before import of external banks
Browser is refreshed when the lib path changes
Fixed crash when importing samples with long filenames (longer than 31 characters)
Fixed a mouse capture issue
Fixed bug exporting waves for VSTi programs that start or end with spaces
Fixed some small visual glitches
Fixed filename extension extraction bug
Increased browser button size
Removed mouse wheel velocity sensitivity
Added tablet pc / stylus option for controls

Fixed crash when sample is used normal and reversed
Doesn't load the midi loop into the pianoroll anymore when changing preset

Fruity Wrapper:
Fixed glitch when changing "bottom toolbar" setting
"Send pitch bend range" is now off by default
Fixed buffer size communication bug on plugin initialization
Homepage - http://www.fruityloops.com/

http://rapidshare.com/files/1410 ... ps_Studio_8.0.2.rar  


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