網友阿May話,「For 637 my own problem is did not follow the 10% cut lost golden rule. But how to handle 10% cut lost
and 震倉? I lost quick a lot( for me ) on 637,
I really want to know what mistakes I made . Can any one help me. Maybe we can learn together from 637. 如果637 是炒股,输了没話好说,但637 是不明不白地輸!」(阿May大意係話買利記沒有遵守一成止蝕,但不知應該止蝕還是當它震倉,想從利記的錯誤中學習)
另一網友mochacha亦話:「May, I am feeling the same. But I think some older bro and older sis are right... if thinking buying a 實業股 won't be as dangerous as 炒股... that is a very wrong concepts... I learned by mistake.. but I really want to learn more.. can 陸sir write a post explaining a bit? Thanks a lot!!」(Mochacha大意係話與阿May的看法一樣,如果以為買實業股無買炒股咁危險,係錯誤的想法,但他想陸羽仁解一解為何會出現這種錯誤)
有網友一早留意到近日出現日圓強,美股跌的情況,現在睇番有人話係carry trade倉,同呢個現象一齊發生口既係所謂flight for quality,即係資金由高風險資產流向穩陣的優質資產。今次觸發跌市的,係兩隻澳洲次按基金,這些基金借平錢追求高回報,結果損手,呢個情形同以往每次對沖基金出事的模式都一樣,對沖基金要賺到盡,投資經理一如亡命車手衝向懸崖,邊個最早停車就邊個輸,直至最後有人跌落懸崖,早前美國有次按基金出事,跟住到澳洲,但他們都只係二打六的散仔,同以前LTCM相差好遠,相信未必能夠令到美國聯邦儲備局減息挽救,係環境未曾穩定下,傳統大基金會流向國庫券等穩陣資產,即係話驟雨未必會好快停晒。
究竟今次美國的次按危機會否爆至不可收拾,人人看法不同,不過美國聯儲局成員、聖路易斯聯邦儲備銀行主席 William Poole就話,無跡象顯示次按危機影響美國實體經濟,所以無需要因此而考慮緊急減息。他估計事件令金融業虧損1200億美元至1500億美元(9360億至11700億港元),唔算太大件事,暗示聯儲局不應減息救金融界。William Poole是聯儲局放水救市後第一個公開講話的聯儲局成員,睇嚟聯儲局短期內減息的機會不大。
陸羽仁 作者: szeyuen77 時間: 2007-8-25 12:33 AM 標題: 險中求勝 (2007/8/24)
她問:「Luk Sir:The liquidity injection is up to USD172.5億 last night. Do you think the recent crisis is still very serious?
Do you think we can still take the strategy as before, i.e. buying non-leading stocks and holding them? The risk concerned is when great correction occurs, even they have not rebound yet, and they will also fall drastically with the market.
Seeing the small priced stock being active again. Do you think it is time to make short term strategy to speculate them?
Do you think being a 好友 in long term always win? When the market performs well, the central banks do nothing to prevent it being too hot, except the Chinese one. However, when there is serious downturn, the central banks use all measures to help build up the public’s confidence.
I do know the mechanism of straddle and strangle and under what circumstance investors should use it. However, I think there are implementation problems. The cost of using option or futures is too high. If use calls and puts, the effect would be affected on the choice of warrants. Sometimes, the issuers may quote the bid and ask price too wide, the premium may be too expensive to make the strategy not profitable. Can you further explain how to choose the suitable warrant to give a better return, apart from similar expiry date, the conversion price?
You give us an example some days again, i.e. 19800 put and 23400 call which is 1800 points from 21600. That means we need the HSI goes up or down more than 1800 to make it profitable. I am wondering why we don’t us small difference, say 1000 instead of 1800 to make the strategy more easily profitable?」(對不懂英文的朋友,我暫不翻譯,住下會逐一重覆問題)
Top Gun之前問過我一些馬鞍式期權的事,我前一日咁答佢:「期權唔啱新仔玩,你都係唔好學啦,千祈唔好同人講,話我教你炒期權,期權也好,窩輪也好,只宜好有經驗的炒家去玩。」我印象中Top Gun話過自己係新仔,我心諗都唔知呢個新仔幾多歲,思想成熟未,如果唔好彩教咗佢炒,佢有事唔識得走,咁咪好大鑊,所以就咁答。
Top Gun你的觀念有少少錯誤,用一種固定的觀念看股市。股市係死o既,人係生o既,不是我早幾個星期咁講,而家又係咁,我講的時候無北水自由行,大市亦未穩定,若好似你問的方向,應該單邊買Put,但現實中我就唔建議你咁做,股市跌定了,向上的走勢大過向下,波幅會慢慢收窄。想做馬靶式窩輪,要在當下判斷後市短期內會否大波動,不是以幾星期前的判斷來看今天的市況。你問我,我看今天的市況,我就估國指仍會有大波動,可以升得太急回得也急,但未來中線也可以再大幅炒上,國指波幅,好有機會大過恒指也。
「幸好有幸發現左呢個Blog,每日睇陸sir你無私既教導同埋一班網友o既分享,我仲一口氣就睇完陸sir你果兩本書 得益不少呢。我知道咗咩係價值投資,知道自己一直都係投機,我依家想將資金投入去0005(匯豐) and 2823(A50基金)我想長hold,但0005依家入市係唔係好唔理智呢??定等跌市先入市好呢?現家2823又好貴呀!!!!但又見到恆指日日都創新高,我又好似唔入就會失去好多找錢既機會 ><"陸sir,你認為我應該全hold cash等大跌市先入好,定依家就開始入會好呢?我o既十餘萬係老本,無咩用途,之前係放起銀行收利息o既,希望陸可以覆我啦!!! thz a lot!!! 」
再睇網友rayray的例子。佢話:「Mr. Luk, I am a new comer.
I have lost much money in stock market in the past and now.
I bought #340 at $1.55, today is $1.21.
It has been $2.4 in June (I am so fool not to sell at that time).
Someone told that it will rise next month, i.e. November.
Should I sell it now or hold it?
What do you think about this stock. Is it a bad or good stock?......... Please help to advise asap.If I sell #340, any other good suggestion for me to gain the lost?」(rayray的大意是他/她是新仔,在股市輸了很多錢,佢在1.55元時買了中國礦業,升過2.4元無放,而家只有1.21元(輸21%),佢問賣唔賣好,佢好想買番第二隻股賺番輸咗啲錢)
現在恒指徘徊 29000點,大家都很相信會有終極一跌又或者熊市的來臨。若然到了那一天,所有股票也跌回自己的過去一兩年的買入價,又或者止蝕10%賣出了。(可能假設太誇張了!)那時候,「投資的我」應會被「投機的我」喪笑一年半載。當然,「投資的我」一向都希望十年後見到工行漲價10倍吧,但中途有否進出的需要,尤其是在從未見識過的大牛市裡,望陸 sir 指點。」
索羅斯在《Soros on Soros》(《索羅斯論索羅斯》一書中談到看錯市的問題,索羅斯話他承認他會看錯,所以他很警覺,經常反覆求證。作者追問可能只是發生一些不對勁的事情,但很快又回到他預想的軌道上,他怎知自己是否看錯市?索羅斯話,當期望和實際有差距時,他不會即時沽貨離場,他們重新檢視自己的假設,然後嘗試看看什麼地方出了問題,他會修正他的假設,他會發現一些特別的事情在發生影響,他不會坐視不理那個差異,但會批判性地檢視,最後可能不是賣掉股票,而是加注(頁12)。