炒股方略(4) (2007/12/7)
「Dear Luk Sir,
May I get some help from you?
I have been trying to work out what should be my portfoio in terms of asset class and geographical allocation for 2008. Over the last 10 years, I have been really conservative in building my portfoio. You know, by controlling expenses and expending income.. have been doing alright with it... until this year... when there is an inflation buildng up and looks like we just entered into an era of inflationary economy globally. As such, I could not sit at the fence as I used to be.. and here I am.. picking your brain....
My overall target is to have a steady growth of 10% for the next 10-20 years, so that my wealth could double in 7-8years' time (excluding saving from regular income) and double in 15-18 years 'time from now.
Risk appetite.. about 5-8% loss is acceptable threotically for a growth of 10%.. technically.. worst comes to worst, I suppose I am contented to earn as much as I could make out of the bank... and of course, capital protection is big in my mind...
My existing portfolio is not fancy at all and here they are:
1) securities: 16%
2) properties: 10% ( I am lucky as rental>mortgage)
3) Bond: 4%
4) cash: 68% ( of which 20% is in USD and 8% in SGD.. I am in deep sh*t I know..)
Briefly counted, I could contribute about 15% saving every year from steady regular income.
If you were me, how would you allocate your resources to achieve the required growth?
Asset class candidates:
1) bond & Euro, Europe securities ( low risk. 3-5%)
2) NZD, RMB,
3) HSI ( include stocks), Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea and Taiwan ETFs.
A50, Emerging Europe, Africa, Vietnam, Natural Resource, South America.. high risk ( 20-35%pa)
5)HK, Vietnam, Singapore and Taiwan properties ( highly leverage, but HK has been up so much, upside could be limited and i.e. high risk.. Again.. you never know.. upside ( but so as the downside) could be more than 40% with the leverage.. but not as liquid as securities and very high maintenance cost (in terms of time, adminstration and
Sorry that I have written so much. I have been thinking about this for the last 2-3 weeks but comes to no conclusions. As I am a new comer... your valuable opinions will be definitely a big help...
Thank you for your valuable advice in advance..